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Jessie, Dom, Runit, and Kitty welcome you to our Classroom. We have 9 exercises for you to complete with 10 questions per exercise. For a PDF of the slides, exercises, answers, and paper question sheets, click the Download Teacher Pack button.

worldwide testing

LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing, nuclear veterans and nuclear bombs worldwide.

Learn about the countries across the world who have performed Nuclear tests and the legislation introduced to ban the tests.


american tests

LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. USA performed 1030 tests.

The United States of America performed 1030 Tests.

(Not including the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima)


RUSSIA tests

LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. Russia performed 715 tests.

Russia performed 715 Tests.



LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. UK performed 45 tests.

The United Kingdom performed 45 tests.


Chinese tests

LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. China performed 45 tests.

China performed 45 tests.


french tests

LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. France performed 210 tests.

France performed 210 Tests.



LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. India performed 6 tests.

India have performed 6 tests.



LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. Pakistan performed 6 tests.

Pakistan performed 6 tests.


north korea tests

LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. North Korea performed 6 tests.

North Korea performed 6 Tests.


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