U.S. tests: 4
Russian tests: 6
Total Yield: 994.7 kilotons.
The Details:
1951 - ‘Dog’ detonated 1,410 feet (430m) above Yucca Flat area 7 at 15:30 GMT with a yield of 21 kilotons from the LANL Mk-4 weapons development device after being air-dropped during Operation Buster, releasing 3.1 million curies of Iodine-131 into the atmosphere. 19th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.0847, -116.0206
1955 - ‘Project 56 No. 1’ detonated on the dry surface of Frenchman Flat area 11 at 22:10 GMT with Zero yield from the LANL TX-15 thermonuclear primary as part of a one-point safety test during Project 56, dispersing plutonium-239 over a wide area. 65th U.S test. Coordinates: 36.98444, -115.96151.
1958 - ‘Joe-73’ detonated atop a R-5M rocket 7.5 miles (12km) above Western Kazakhstan at an unspecified time with a yield of 10 kilotons as part of a weapons effects test after being launched from Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan. 82nd’ Russian test.
Launch coordinates: 48.56956, 45.90346.
Detonation coordinates: 49.3, 48.
1961 - ‘Joe-114’ detonated 1,558 feet (475m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 2.7 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 133rd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4277, 77.7231.
1962 - ’202’ detonated 2,300 feet (700m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 09:20 GMT with a yield of 3 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 193rd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1962 - ‘200’ detonated 4,900 feet (1,500m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 06:30 GMT with a yield of 240 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 194th Russian test. Coordinates: 73, 55.
1962 - ‘Kingfish’ detonated atop a Thor missile 60.42 miles (97km) above the Pacific Ocean 41 miles (66km) south of Johnston Island at 11:10 GMT with a yield of 400 kilotons from the LANL W-50 device as part of a EMP weapons effects test during Operation Fishbowl, disrupting communications from ionospheric interference for over 3 hours. 293rd U.S. test.
Launch coordinates: 16.73365, -169.52534.
Detonation coordinates: 16.1135, -169.68222.
1962 - ‘Joe-168’ detonated atop a rocket 37 miles (59km) above Karagandy, Kazakhstan at 09:12 GMT with a yield of 300 kilotons as part of EMP weapons effects studies during Project-K after being launched from Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan. 195th Russian test.
Launch coordinates: 48.56956, 45.90346.
Detonation coordinates: 46.3298, 72.77929.
1977 - ‘Hybla Gold’ detonated in a tunnel 1,263 feet (384m) beneath Rainier Mesa area 12 at 18:06 GMT with a yield of 10 kilotons from the LANL W-61 device as part of a weapons effects test on the MX missile shallow buried trench basing system during Operation Cresset, causing a 4.7 magnitude ground shock. 823rd U.S test. Coordinates: 37.18773, -116.21384.
1980 - ‘Batolit-1’ detonated 2,360 feet (720m) beneath Krasnoyarsk, Russia at 13:00 GMT with a yield of 8 kilotons as part of a seismic sounding test, causing a 5.2 magnitude ground shock. 560th Russian test. Coordinates: 60.8, 97.55.

U.S. tests: 2
Russian tests: 6
French tests: 2
Chinese tests: 1
Total Yield: 2,916.1 kilotons.
The Details:
1961 - ‘139’ detonated 4,900 feet (1,500m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 08:41 GMT with a yield of 120 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 134th Russian test. Coordinates: 75.2, 57.5.
1961 - ’140’ detonated 4,600 feet (1,400m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at an unspecified time with a yield of 280 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 135th Russian test. Coordinates: 74.6, 55.4.
1961- ’141’ detonated 2,116 feet (645m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 600 tons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 136th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1972 - ’416’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 01:27 GMT with a yield of 165 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 6.16 magnitude ground shock. 373rd Russian test. Coordinates: 49.92697, 78.81725.
1974 - ’466’ detonated in a vertical shaft 4,900 feet (1,500m) beneath Area A, Chyornaya Guba, Novaya Zemlya at 05:00 GMT with a yield of 2,300 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 6.81 magnitude ground shock. 411th Russian test. Coordinates: 70.88, 53.87.
1974 - ’Temescal’ detonated in a vertical shaft 862 feet (262m) beneath Yucca Flat area 4 at 15:30 GMT with a yield of 10 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Bedrock, venting Iodine, Xenon and Tritium from a gas sampling line. 762nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.09314, -116.09254.
1978 - ‘Emmenthal’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,890 feet (576m) beneath Pahute Mesa area 19 at 15:25 with a yield of 2.5 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Quicksilver, causing a 4.2 magnitude ground shock. 845th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.28789, -116.29838.
1978 - ‘Schedios’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Rim zone, Areas 1-2, Queen1, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 18:00 GMT with a yield of 3 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 4.55 magnitude ground shock. 86th French test. Coordinates: -21.85804, -138.81897.
1983 - ’824’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk Test Site and an unspecified time with an unspecified yield from the weapons development device. 627th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.78416, 78.13533.
1984 - ‘Acaste’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Lagoon, Areas 5-7, Hippocampe1, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 20:45 GMT with a yield of 34 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a5.47 magnitude ground shock. 149th French test. Coordinates: -21.8702, -138.95046.
1992 - An unnamed weapons development device detonated beneath Area D (Drop Area), Lop Nur, China at an unspecified time with a yield of 1 kiloton as part of a test of insensitive high explosives in the thermonuclear primary. Failure. 40th Chinese test. Coordinates: 41.5, 88.5.

U.S. tests: 1
Russian tests: 6
Total Yield: 450.6 kilotons.
The Details:
1955 - ’Project 56 No. 2’ detonated on the dry surface of Frenchman Flat area 11 at 21:15 GMT with ZERO yield from the LANL W-25 device as part of a one-point safety/plutonium dispersal test that scattered plutonium over a wide area. Three neutron zippers were used to make sure of plentiful neutrons. Over 895 acres of area 11 were contaminated during Project 56, making the area inaccessible. 66th U.S. test. Coordinates: 36.9801, -115.9594.
1958 - 'Joe-74' detonated atop a RM-5 missile 7.5 miles (12 km) above Western Kazakhstan at an unspecified time with a yield of 10 kilotons after being launched from Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan as part of a weapons effects test. 83rd Russian test.
Launch coordinates: 48.56956, 45.90346.
Detonation Coordinates: 49.3, 48.
1961 -‘142’ detonated on the dry surface of Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with ZERO yield as part of a one-point safety test. 137th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.378, 77.855.
1961 - ’143’ detonated 2,083 feet (635m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 900 tons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 138th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1962 - ‘203’ detonated 4,900 feet (1,500m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 08:31 GMT with a yield of 390 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 196th Russian test. Coordinates: 73, 55.
1962 - ’204’ detonated 13,000 feet (4,000m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at an unspecified time with a yield of 45 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 197th Russian test. Coordinates: 73, 55.
1962 - ’205’ detonated 2,300 feet (710m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 4.7 kilotons from the weapons development device. 198th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.

U.S. tests: 3 (4 devices)
Russian tests: 8 (9 devices)
Total yield: 1,630.6 kilotons
The Details:
1961 - ‘144’ detonated 5,810 feet (1,770m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at an unspecified time with a yield of 15 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 139th Russian test. Coordinates: 73.3, 56.6.
1961 - ’145’ detonated 7,350 feet (1,750m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at an unspecified time with a yield of 6 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 140th Russian test. Coordinates: 73, 55.
1961 - '146’ detonated 5,740 feet (2,240m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 07:20 GMT with a yield of 1,500 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 141st Russian test. Coordinates: 73.6, 56.8.
1961 - ‘147’ detonated on the dry surface of Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 200 tons from the weapons development device.. 142nd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.378, 77.855.
1962 -’Tightrope’ detonated atop a Nike Hercules missile 13 miles (21km) above the Pacific Ocean 2 miles (3.4km) southwest of Johnston Island at 06:30 GMT with a yield of 10 kilotons from the LANL W-31 air defense warhead as part of a weapons effects test. 294th U.S. test.
Launch coordinates: 16.73365, -169.52534.
Detonation coordinates: 16.70742, -169.54242.
Side Note: 'Tightrope was the final atmospheric test conducted by the U.S. before the onset of the Limited Test Ban Treaty.
1962 - ‘ 206’ detonated 2,000 feet (600m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 8.4 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 199th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1968 - ‘Crew-1’ detonated in a vertical shaft1,980 feet (603m) beneath Yucca Flat area 2 at 15:15 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device, causing a 5.0 magnitude ground shock and creating a 393 foot (120m) diameter subsidence crater. 571st U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.13043, -116.08738.
1968 - ‘Crew-2 and ‘Crew-3 detonated simultaneously in the same shaft as 'Crew-1' at 15:16 GMT with yields of <20 kilotons from each LLNL weapons development device. 572nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.13042, -116.08738.
1970 - ‘359’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Sary-Uzen/Murzhik,Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time and depth with a yield of 27 kilotons from the special explosive device intended for peaceful purposes earth cratering, causing a 4.93 magnitude ground shock. 328th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.98947, 77.76208.
1973 - ‘442’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 03:57 GMT with an unspecified depth and yield from the weapons development device. 393rd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.0685, 78.93328.
1978 - ‘ 615’ and ‘ 616’ detonated simultaneously in the same vertical shaft at an unspecified depth beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk Test Site with a combined yield of 44 kilotons from the two weapons development devices, causing a 5.56 magnitude ground shock. 505th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.04706, 78.94626.

U.S. tests: 5
Russian tests: 2
French tests: 2
Total yield: 145.7 kilotons .
The Details:
1951 - ‘Easy’ detonated 1,300 feet (400m) above Yucca Flat area 7 at 16:29 GMT with a yield of 31 kilotons from the LANL TX-7E device after being air-dropped during Operation Buster, spewing 4.3 million curies of Iodine-131 into the atmosphere. 9th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.0919, -116.0253.
1955 - ‘Project 56 No. 3’ was detonated on the dry surface of Frenchman Flat area 11 at 19:55 with Zero yield as part of a one-point safety test of the LANL XW-28 thermonuclear primary device during Project 56, spreading plutonium over a wide area. 67th U.S. test. Coordinates: 36.97572, -115.95732.
1962 - ‘ 207’ detonated atop a 49 foot (15m) tower on Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time with a yield of 400 tons as part of a weapons effects test. 200th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.43, 77.83.
1964 - ’’Handcar’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1.322 feet (402m) beneath Yucca Flat area 10 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 12 kilotons from the LLNL device as part of a Project Plowshares peaceful nuclear experiment (PNE) during Operation Whetstone to see how carbonate rock was fractured by a nuclear detonation, causing a 4.8 magnitude ground shock and venting 70 curies of Xenon and Krypton gases from surface ground zero cables after detonation and during drillback operations. 390th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.17431, -116.0679..
1966 - ‘Simms’ detonated in a vertical shaft 650 feet (198m) beneath Yucca Flat area 10 at 14:45 GMT with a yield of 2.3 kilotons from the LLNL device as part of a Project Plowshares PNE during Operation Latchkey to evaluate "clean" nuclear explosives for excavation, creating a 190 foot (58m) diameter subsidence crater and venting 11 curies if Iodine and Xenon during drillback operations. 476th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.1699, -116.04809.
1970 - ‘Abeytas’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,209 feet (393m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Emery, causing a 4.9 magnitude ground shock and creating a 728 foot (222m) diameter subsidence crater. 659th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.02947, -116.01244.
1970 - ‘Oka’ detonated in a vertical shaft 5,003 feet (1,525m) beneath Sakha, Russia at 04:00 GMT with a yield of 15 kilotons as part of an oil stimulation test, a PNE, causing a 5.3 magnitude ground shock. 452nd Russian test. Coordinates: 61.458, 112.86.
1987 - ‘Pasiphaé' detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Lagoon, Areas 5-7, Murene2, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 17:30 GMT with a yield of 18 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.25 magnitude ground shock. 172nd French test. Coordinates: -21.84917, -138.90334.
1988 - ‘Thrasymèdes' detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Lagoon, Areas 5-7, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 16:30 GMT with a yield of 47 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.59 magnitude ground shock. 181st French test. Coordinates: -21.87436, -138.97854.

U.S. tests: 1
Russian tests: 1
French tests: 1
Total yield: 5,051 kilotons
The Details:
1955 - ‘Joe 18’ detonated 3,000 feet (1,000m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 04:50 GMT with a yield of 250 kilotons from the RDS-27 boosted fission weapons development device after being air-dropped. 23rd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1971 - ‘Cannikin’ detonated in a vertical shaft 5,870 feet (1,790m) beneath Amchitka Island, Alaska at 22:00 GMT with a yield of 4,800 kilotons from the LLNL W-71 device during Operation Grommet, causing a 6.8 magnitude ground shock and creating a 3,608 foot (1,100m) diameter subsidence crater. 685th U.S. test. Coordinates: 51.4699, 179.10671.
Side Notes: 'Cannikin' was the largest underground detonation ever conducted. Surface ground zero rose over 25 feet from the detonation before collapsing into a nearly mile-wide, 60 foot deep subsidence crater.
"The immediate ecological damage from the blast was staggering. Nearly 1,000 sea otters, a species once hunted to near extinction, were killed, their skulls crushed by the shockwaves of the explosion. Other marine mammals died when their eyes were blown out of their sockets or when their lungs ruptured. Thousands of shore birds also perished, their spines snapped and their legs pushed through their bodies."
The W-71 was the warhead for the Spartan anti-ballistic missile (ABM) that was part of the Safeguard ABM system based at Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex near Grand Forks, North Dakota. Safeguard was intended to protect the Grand Forks ICBM missile fields from incoming Soviet warheads by detonating the warhead at high altitude near the incoming warheads to produce X-Rays which would damage the warheads and reentry vehicles. The W-71 warhead used a gold tamper instead of uranium tamper to maximize the generation of X-rays.. The Mickelsen ABM complex provided launch and control for 30 Spartan anti-ballistic missiles, and 70 shorter-range Sprint anti-ballistic missiles carrying W-66 enhance radiation warheads to destroy incoming warheads that survived the Spartan warheads with neutrons.
Unfortunately, Safeguard was self-defeating; the EMP from a Spartan or Sprint warhead detonation would blind the radars used to direct and guide the missiles.
Safeguard was made operational on 1 April 1975, and full operational capability achieved on 1 October 1975. On October 2, 1975 the House of Representatives voted to decommission the project after they deemed it ineffective.. The complex was deactivated on 10 February 1976, after less than a year of operation and the expenditure of $21.3 billion, excluding the cost of the 115 nuclear warheads used.
1981 -’Leto’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Rim zone, Areas 1-2, Francoise-8, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 17:03 GMT with a yield of 1 kiloton from the weapons development device. 121st French test. Coordinates: -21.79568, -138.85509.

Russian tests: 1 (3 devices)
French tests: 1
Total yield: 340 kilotons
The Details:
1961 - ‘Agathe' detonated in a tunnel within Taourirt Tan Afella mountain, In Ekker, French Algeria at 11:29 GMT with a yield of 10 kilotons from the weapons development device. 5th French test. Coordinates: 24.0571, 5.05192.
1968 - ‘310’, ‘311’ and ‘312’ detonated simultaneously in a tunnel 3,300 feet (1,000m) beneath Area B, Matochkin Shar, Novaya Zemlya, with yields of 0.001, 165, and 165 kilotons respectively, causing a 6.13 magnitude ground shock, venting 10,000 curies of radiation. ---293rd Russian test. Coordinates: 73.387, 54.858.

U.S. tests: 1
British tests: 1
Total yield: 1,820 kilotons
The Details:
1957 - ‘Round C’ detonated 7,380 feet (2,250m) above the Pacific Ocean 2 miles (3.2km) south of Kiritimati (Christmas Island), Republic of Kiribati at 17:47 GMT with a yield of 1,800 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped by a Valiant bomber during Operation Grapple X. 16th British test. Coordinates: 1.67851, -157.23303.
Side Note: 'Round-C' was the first successful British thermonuclear device detonated. It exceeded its predicted yield of 1,000 kilotons, damaging buildings, fuel storage tanks, and helicopters on Christmas island.
1967 - ‘Cobbler’ detonated in a vertical shaft 2,188 feet (667m) beneath Yucca Flat area 7 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Crosstie, causing a 5.1 magnitude ground shock. 524th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.09176, -116.03667.

U.S. tests: 5
Russian tests: 1
Total yield: 175.2 kilotons
The Details:
1962 - ‘St. Lawrence’ detonated in a vertical shaft 546 feet (166m) beneath Yucca Flat area 2 at 18:00 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Storax, venting 6,000 curies of Xenon from surface ground zero and during drillback operations. 295th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.16379, -116.07419.
1968 - ‘313’ detonated in a tunnel beneath Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 02:54 GMT with a yield of 4 kilotons from the peaceful purposes device, causing a 4.75 magnitude ground shock. 294th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.8005, 78.1391.
1972 - ‘Akbar’ detonated in a vertical shaft 876 feet (267m) beneath Yucca Flat area 10 at 15:15:00.16 GMT with a yield of 600 tons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Toggle, causing a 3.7 magnitude ground shock. 711th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.16202, -116.03405.
1972 - ‘Arsenate’ detonated in a vertical shaft 821 feet (250m) beneath Yucca Flat area 9 at 18:15 GMT with a yield of 600 tons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Toggle, venting 12 curies of Xenon during gas sampling operations. 712th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.12151, -116.03326..
1977 - ‘Sandreef’ detonated in a vertical shaft 2,299 feet (750m) beneath Yucca Flat area 7 at 22:00 GMT with a yield of 150 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Cresset, causing a 5.82 magnitude ground shock and creating a 918 foot (280m) diameter subsidence crater. 824th U.S test. Coordinates: 37.07217, -116.05115.
1988 - ‘Monahans-A’ and ‘Monahans-B’ detonated simultaneously in separate vertical shafts 951 feet (289m) beneath Yucca Flat at 20:15 GMT during Operation Cornerstone. 1,017th U.S. test.
‘Monahans-A’ - Area 3, Yield: <20 kilotons, Coordinates: 36.99116, -116.02198.
‘Monahans-B’ - Area 6, Yield <20 kilotons, Coordinates: 36.98868, -116.02197.

U.S. tests: 2
French tests: 1
Total yield: 20 kilotons
The Details:
1976 - ‘Sprit’ detonated in a vertical shaft 601 feet (183m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 14:30 GT with a yield of 10 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Fulcrum. 802nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.03593, -116.01816.
1984 - ’Villita’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,221 feet (372m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 16:40 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Grenadier, causing a 4.5 magnitude ground shock and creating a 524 foot (160m) diameter subsidence crater. 953rd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.00003, -116.01816.
1986 - ‘Hésione' detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Rim zone, Areas 1-2, Yvonne-4, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 16:58 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons, causing a 4.87 magnitude ground shock. 164th French test. Coordinates: -21.86664, -138.91395.

U.S. tests: 2
Russian tests: 1
Total yield: 35.1 kilotons.
The Details:
1962 - ‘208’ detonated atop a 26 foot (8m) tower on Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 100 tons from the weapons development device. 201st Russian test. Coordinates: 50.416, 77.74.
1966 - ‘Ajax’ detonated in a vertical shaft 782 feet (238m) beneath Yucca Flat area 9 at 12:00 GMT with a yield of 6 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Latchkey, venting Xenon from surface ground zero and Red Shack cables for a period of four minutes and creating a 190 foot (58m) diameter subsidence crater. 477th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.13449, -116.05095.
1981 - ‘Tilci’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,460 feet (445m) beneath Yucca Flat area 4 at 20:00 GMT with a yield of 29 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Praetorian, causing a 4.9 magnitude ground shock, venting Tritium and Krypton gas during gas sampling operations and creating a 656 foot (200m) diameter subsidence crater. 895th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.07627, -116.06936.

U.S. tests: 2
Russian tests: 3 (5 devices)
British tests: 1
French tests: 2
Total yield: 129.72 kilotons
The Details:
1965 -‘Sepia’ detonated in a vertical shaft 791 feet (241m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 18:00 GMT with a yield of 7 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Flintlock, creating a 456 foot (139m) diameter subsidence crater and venting Iodine-131 during drillback operations. 431st U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.04996, -116.02282.
1968 - '314’, ‘315’, and ‘316’ detonated simultaneously in three separate vertical shafts 102 feet (31m) beneath Semipalatinsk Test Site at 07:30 GMT with yields of 240 tons each as part of a canal linear cratering experiment called "Telkem," blasting a crater 627 feet (192m) in length and 209 feet (64m) wide. 295th Russian test.
'314' coordinates: 49.71322, 78.46018.
'315' coordinates: 49.71299, 78.46051.
'316' coordinates: 49.71273, 78.4609.
Side Note: "Telkem" was similar to Project Plowshares detonations conducted in the U.S. to explore peaceful uses of nuclear explosives in creating canals, harbors or paths through mountain ranges for highway construction. While successful in blowing large holes in the earth, all resulted in the areas being left radioactive.
1977 - ‘561’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 05:11 GMT with an unspecified yield from the weapons development device. 476th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.05222, 78.86444.
1977 - ‘Oreste’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Rim zone, Areas 1-2, Francoise-2, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 01:30 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.2 magnitude ground shock. 77th French test. Coordinates: -21.79041, -138.85999.
1981 - ‘Rousanne’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,697 feet (517m) beneath Yucca Flat area 4 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 77 kilotons from the weapons development Chevaline device during Operation Praetorian, causing a 5.4 magnitude ground shock and creating a 820 foot (250m) diameter subsidence crater. 35th British test. Coordinates: 37.10805, -116.04993.
1982 - ‘Seyval’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,201 feet (366m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 19:17 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Phalanx, causing a 4.4 magnitude ground shock. 916th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.02323, -116.03272.
1986 - ‘Naupolis’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Lagoon, Areas 5-7, Hippocampe-3, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 17:02 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.34 magnitude ground shock. 165th French test. Coordinates -21.86427, -138.95046.:
1988 - ‘951’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk test site at 03:30 GMT with a yield of 15 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.24 magnitude ground shock. 703rd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.0463, 78.96793.

U.S. tests: 1
Russian tests: 1
Total yield: 1.701 kilotons.
The Details:
1962 - ‘209’ detonated on the dry surface of Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 1,000 kilograms from the weapons development device, an apparent safety test. 206nd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.378, 77.855 .
1969 - ‘Scuttle’ detonated in a vertical shaft 540 feet (164m) beneath Yucca Flat area 2 at 15:15 GMT with a yield of 1.7 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device, venting 210 curies of Iodine, Xenon, Cesium and Rubidium from surface ground zero emplacement casing beginning 5 minutes after detonation and lasting for three hours. 619th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.16462, -116.07576.

U.S. tests: 3
Russian tests: 1
British tests: 1
French tests: 2
Total yield: 364 kilotons.
The Details:
1962 - ‘210’ detonated 2,170 feet (660m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 12 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 203rd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1963 - ‘Anchovy’ detonated in a vertical shaft 853 feet (265m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 16:00 GMT with a yield of 9 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Niblick, creating a 518 foot (158m) diameter subsidence crater and venting 230,000 curies of .Xenon, Iodine and Krypton during drillback operations. 344th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.03947, -116.01913.
1978 - ‘Aphrodite’ detonated in a vertical shaft 280 meters beneath Rim zone, Areas 1-2, Dora-4, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 18:00 GMT with ZERO yield as part of a safety test. 87th French test, Coordinates: -21.78156, -138.87758.
1980 - ‘Dauphin’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,050 feet (320m) beneath Yucca Flat area 9 at 16:50 GMT with a yield of 2 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Guardian, causing a 4.1 magnitude ground shock and creating a 262 foot (80m) diameter subsidence crater. 880th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.11144, -116.01952.
Side Note: 'Dauphin' was the second experimental test for a nuclear pumped x-ray laser under Project Excalibur as part of developing a space-based ballistic missile defense that used a nuclear detonation to channel x-rays from the detonation into dozens of independently steerable metal rods that would project the rays thousands of miles through space to destroy enemy ballistic missiles and warheads. Promoted by Edward Teller to President Reagan as a feasible part of the Strategic Defense Initiative (aka: Star Wars), subsequent tests in 'Cabra' (Operation Phalanx - 1983), 'Romano' (Operation Fusileer - 1983), 'Correo' (Operation Fusileer - 1984), 'Cottage' (Operation Grenadier - 1985), 'Goldstone' (Operation Charioteer - 1985), 'Labquark' (Operation Charioteer - 1986), and 'Delamar' (Operation Musketeer - 1987) showed that the concept was not feasible as the x-ray detectors were actually fooled by the heat of a detonation and no x-ray beam was generated. Subsequent independent reviews of the Excalibur program found that the tests had all been failures in spite of Teller's continued claim that the tests were successful and his personal lobbying of President Reagan for more funding. 1987 funding peaked at $349 million ($790 million in 2019 dollars) but rapidly dropped off as Congress essentially defunded the program. Project Excalibur was cancelled in 1988.
1986 - 'Gascon' detonated in a vertical shaft 1,946 feet (593m) beneath Yucca Flat area 4 at 16:00 GMT with a yield of 120 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Musketeer, causing a 5.80 magnitude ground shock, creating an 853 foot (260m) diameter subsidence crater and venting Tritium, Xenon, and Krypton during gas sampling operations. 988th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.10054, -116.04911.
1990 - ‘Houston’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,950 feet (594m) beneath Pahute Mesa area 19 at 19:17 GMT with a yield of 103 kilotons from the British Trident missile device during Operation Sculpin, causing a 5.4 magnitude ground shock and venting Xenon during drillback operations. 44th British test. Coordinates: 37.22735, -116.37217.
1990 - ‘Hyrtacos’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Lagoon Area 2, Mitre-3, Fangataufa Atoll, French Polynesia at 18:11 GMT with a yield of 118 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.92 magnitude ground shock 197th French test. Coordinates: -22.23006, -138.74379.

U.S. tests: 6
Russian tests: 1 (2 devices)
Total yield: 614 kilotons.
The Details:
1952 - ‘ King’ detonated 1,480 feet (450m) above Runit Island, Eniwetok Atoll at 23:30 GMT with a yield of 500 kilotons from the LANL MK-18 weapons development device after being air-dropped during Operation Ivy. 32nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 11.55878, 162.34541.
Side Note: The MK-18 was the largest pure fission bomb developed. Using four critical masses of highly enriched uranium (Oralloy - Oak Ridge Alloy), it was known as the SOB (Super Oralloy Bomb). To prevent an unintended detonation, the 132 pound (60 kilogram) core had an aluminum chain coated with boron inserted into the core to absorb neutrons in the event of an accident. The chain was removed to arm the bomb.
1962 - ‘Gundi’ detonated in a vertical shaft 792 feet (241m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 16:30 GMT with a yield of <20 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Storax. 296th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.04172, -116.02461.
1963 - ‘Mustang’ detonated in a vertical shaft 544 feet (165m) beneath Yucca Flat area 9 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 2 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Niblick, creating a 173 foot (53m) diameter subsidence crater and venting 100 curies of Xenon and Iodine for 35 hours during drillback operations. 345th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.13226, -116.04776.
1968 - ‘Auger’ detonated in a vertical shaft 789 feet (240m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 15:30 GMT with a yield of 1 kiloton from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Bowline, causing a 3.98 magnitude ground shock. 574th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.04765, -116.00058.
1968 - ‘Knife-B’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,190 feet (362m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 15:45 GMT with a yield of 8 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Bowline, creating a 413 foot (126m) diameter subsidence crater. 575th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.02609, -116.03412.
1987 - ‘924’ and '925' detonated simultaneously in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 03:31 GMT with a combined yield of 103 kilotons from the two weapons development devices. 688th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.89909, 78.75629.
1989 - ‘Muleshoe’ detonated in a vertical shaft 802 feet (244m) beneath Yucca Flat area 7 at 20:20 GMT with a yield of <20 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Aqueduct. 1,029th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.10647, -116.01425.

Russian tests: 1
Total yield: 47 kilotons
The Details:
1964 - ‘237’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 06:00 GMT with a yield of 47 kilotons as part of a peaceful research experiment, causing a 5.64 magnitude ground shock. 230th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.8087, 78.1334.
Russian tests: 2
U.S. tests: 2
Total yield: 928 kilotons
The Details:
1956 - ‘'Joe-27' detonated 6,660 feet (2,000m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 900 kilotons from the weapons development thermonuclear device after being air-dropped. 32nd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.42, 77.78.
1962 - ‘211’ detonated 2,346 feet (715m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site with a yield of 18 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 204th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1972 - ‘Canna-Umbrinus’ and ‘Canna-Limoges’ detonated simultaneously in the same vertical shaft 700 feet (213m) beneath Yucca Flat area 9 at 18:00 GMT with yields of <20 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development devices during Operation Toggle. 713th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.13953, -116.03324.
1977 - ‘Seamount’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,214 feet (370m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 19:30 GMT with a yield of 10 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Cresset, causing a 4.7 magnitude ground shock and creating a 656 foot (200m) subsidence crater. 825th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.02055, -116.02584.

U.S. tests: 2
British tests: 1
Chinese tests: 2
Total yield: 4,070
The Details:
1966 - ‘Cerise’ detonated in a vertical shaft 692 feet (211m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 15:02 GMT with a yield of 7 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device, creating a 452 foot (138m) diameter subsidence crater and venting unknown quantities of Xenon, Krypton and Rubidium from surface ground zero. 478th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.04273, -116.0113.
1971 - 'CHIC-12' detonated in Area D, Lop Nur Test Site, China at 06:00 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons as part of a cratering experiment. 12th Chinese test. Coordinates: 41.5, 88.5.
1975 - ‘Deck’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,070 feet (326m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 15:30 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Anvil, causing a 4.4 magnitude ground shock and creating a 557 foot (170m) diameter subsidence crater. 783rd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.02031, -116.02143.
1976 - '21' detonated over Area D, Lop Nur Test Site, China at 06:00 GMT with a yield of 4,000 kilotons from the DF-5 warhead after being air-dropped. 21st Chinese test. Coordinates: 40.696, 89.627.
1978 - ‘Quargel’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,778 feet (542m) beneath Yucca Flat area 2 at 19:00 GMT with a yield of 38 kilotons from the British weapons development Chevaline device, causing a 5.1 magnitude ground shock, creating a 623 foot (190m) subsidence crater, and venting Xenon during drillback operations. 30th British test. Coordinates: 37.12675, -116.08484.

U.S. tests: 2
Russian tests: 1
French tests: 2
Total yield: 66.2 kilotons
The Details:
1951 - ‘Sugar’ detonated 3 feet (1m) above Yucca Flat area 9 at 16:59 GMT with a yield of 1.2 kilotons from the LANL Mk-6 weapons development device during Operation Jangle as part of a weapons effects test, spewing 170,000 curies of Iodine-131 into the atmosphere and leaving a crater 88 feet (27m) wide and 22 feet (7m) deep. 21st U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.13151, -116.03947.
Side Note: 'Sugar' was the only true surface detonation conducted at the Nevada Test Site. Its purpose was to determine the effects of a surface burst device. Items of military equipment were placed at various distances from ground zero along with dogs and sheep with film badges attached to determine external radiation absorbed. 550 military personnel participating in Exercise Desert Rock II were placed 5-1/2 miles south of ground zero to observe the detonation. It was planned to have the personnel visit the equipment display areas after the detonation. One hour after detonation, initial survey teams in helicopters found radiation levels exceeding 300 roentgens/hour 9/10th of a mile from ground zero and 500 roentgens 4/10th of a mile away. Using rockets launched into the crater then pulled back with cables, it was found that crater radiation levels exceeded 7,500 roentgens which would have killed anyone in the area within four minutes.
1966 - ‘268’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time with an unknown yield. 260th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.82768, 78.05307.
1970 - ‘Pensaco’ detonated in a vertical shaft + 888 feet (270m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 2 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Emery, causing a 4.1 magnitude ground shock and creating a 492 foot (50m) diameter subsidence crater. 660th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.01474, -116.01665.
1979 - ‘Chrysotémis' detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Rim zone, Areas 1-2, Edith -4, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 17:55 GMT with a yield of 1 kiloton from the weapons development device. 99th French test. Coordinates: -21.78585, -138.86635.
1987 - ‘Pelee’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Lagoon, Areas 5-7, Hippocampe -4, Mururoa Atoll at 16:31 GMT with a yield of 62 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.69 magnitude ground shock. 174th French test. Coordinates: -21.86158, -138.95046.

U.S. tests: 2
Russian tests: 2 (4 devices)
French tests: 1
Total yield: 564.2 kilotons.
The Details:
1968 - ‘Ming Vase’ detonated in a tunnel 1,010 feet (307m) beneath Area 16 of NTS at 18:00 GMT with a yield of 16 kilotons from the LANL device as part of a weapons effects test during Operation Bowline, causing a 4.9 magnitude ground shock.. 575th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.00973, -116.2072.
1975 - 'Inlet' detonated in a vertical shaft 2.684 feet (818m) beneath Pahute Mesa area 19 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 500 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Anvil, causing a 6.0 magnitude ground shock. 784th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.2249, -116.36845.
1981 - ‘748’ and '749' detonated simultaneously in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 04:57 GMT with a combined yield of 8.2 kilotons from the two weapons development devices, causing a 5.0 magnitude ground shock. 584th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.7401, 78.0965.
1983 - ‘825’ and ‘826’ detonated simultaneously in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 03:27 GMT with a combined yield of 20 kilotons from the two weapons development devices, causing a 5.33 magnitude ground shock 628th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.05599, 78.99734.
1989 - ‘Tros’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Lagoon, Areas 5-7, Krill-7, Mururoa Atoll at 17:29 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons, causing a 5.4 magnitude ground shock. 190th French test. Coordinates: -21.83995, -138.92235.

U.S. tests: 2
Russian tests: 1
French tests: 2
Total yield: 127 kilotons.
The Details:
1965 - '251' detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 04:58 with a yield of 29 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.61 magnitude ground shock. 243rd Russian test. Coordinates: 49.8192, 78.0636./
1969 - 'Piccalilli' detonated in a vertical shaft 1,292 feet (394m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 14:52 GMT (simultaneously with 'Planer') with a yield of 22 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Mandrel, causing a 5.0 magnitude ground shock and creating a 734 foot (224m) diameter subsidence crater. 620th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.03118, -116.00276.
1969 - 'Planer' detonated in a vertical shaft 1,240 feet (378m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 14:52 GMT (simultaneously with 'Piccalilli') with a yield of 20 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Mandrel. 621st U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.01481, -116.02347.
1990 - 'Thoas' detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Lagoon, Areas 5-7, Janie-5, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 16:59 GMT with a yield of 36 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.49 magnitude ground shock. 198th French test. Coordinates: -21.84548, -138.93121.
1995 - 'Phésée' detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Lagoon, Areas 5-7, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 21:29 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.22 magnitude ground shock. 208th French test. Coordinates: -21.84818, -138.8546.

U.S. tests: 3
Russian tests: 2
French tests: 1
Total yield: 1,628.6 kilotons
The Details:
1955 - ‘Joe-19' detonated 5,090 feet (1,550m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 1,600 kilotons from the RDS-37 two-stage radiation implosion device. 24th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.42, 77.78.
Side Note: Two people on the ground 41 miles (67km) from ground zero were killed and 47 injured when buildings collapsed because an inversion layer focused the blast energy onto their village.
1963 - ‘Greys’ detonated in a vertical shaft 987 feet (300m) beneath Yucca Flat area 9 at 17:30 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Niblick, creating a 393 foot (120m) diameter subsidence crater and venting 460 curies of Iodine and Xenon for 19 hours during drillback operations and 18 hours from the ventilation system on November 23rd. 346th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.11929, -116.04604.
1966 - 'Vigil' detonated in a vertical shaft 307 feet (93m) beneath Yucca Flat area 10 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of <20 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device as part of a safety test during Operation Latchkey, venting unknown isotopes from surface ground zero. 479th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.16934, -116.04918.
1967 - ‘293’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Sary-Uzen/Murzhik, Semipalatinsk at 04:03 GMT with a yield of 1.6 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 4.41 magnitude ground shock. 278th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.94238, 77.68593.
1968 - ‘Tinderbox’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,442 feet (439m) beneath Yucca Flat area 9 at 16:19 GMT with a yield of 3 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Bowline, venting 2 curies of Xenon during drillback operations. 576th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.13987, -116.04312.
1979 - ‘Atree’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Rim zone, Areas 1-2, Simone-4, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 19:14 GMT with a yield of 4 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 4.73 magnitude ground shock. 100th French test. Coordinates: -21.86778, -138.83114.

U.S. tests: 1
Russian tests: 3
French tests: 1
Total yield: 218 kilotons
The Details:
1965 - ‘Kermet’ detonated in a vertical shaft 650 feet (198m) beneath Yucca Flat area 2 at 18:37 GMT with a yield of 500 tons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Flintlock, causing a 3.6 magnitude ground shock, creating a 98 foot (30m) diameter subsidence crater and venting 18 curies of Xenon from surface ground zero for 15 hours and during drillback operations on November 25 for 10 hours . 432nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.16187, -116.0718.
1976 - 'Chevre' detonated in a vertical shaft 1.041 feet (317m) beneath Yucca Flat area 10 at 15:15 GMT with a yield of 2 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Fulcrum, creating a 229 foot (70m) diameter subsidence crater. 803rd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.17167, -116.0535.
1976 - ‘528’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 05:02 GMT with a yield of 74 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.79 magnitude ground shock . 453rd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.01803, 78.94319.
1984 - ‘867’, '868' and ''869' detonated simultaneously in a tunnel with Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 03:55 GMT with a combined yield of 1.4 kilotons from the three weapons development devices, causing a 4.38 magnitude ground shock. 655th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.8176, 78.0551.
1988 - ‘952’, '953', and '954' detonated simultaneously in a tunnel 669 feet (204m) beneath Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 03:57 GMT with purposes and yields as shown, causing a 5.4 magnitude ground shock. 704th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.7726, 78.0378.
'952' - Purpose: Weapons development, Yield: 19 kilotons
'953' - Purpose: Fundamental science, Yield: Unspecified
'964' - Purpose: Safety test, Yield: 0.001 kilotons
1988 - ‘Phéres' detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Lagoon, Areas 5-7,Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 17:01 GMT with a yield of 45 kilotons, causing a 5.57 magnitude ground shock. 182nd French test. Coordinates: -21.87436, -138.968.

U.S. tests: 1
Russian tests: 3
French tests: 2
Total Yield: 67.901 kilotons
The Details:
1962 - '212' detonated on the dry surface of Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 0.001 kilotons as part of a one-point safety test. 205th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.378, 77.855.
1971 - 'Diagonal Line' detonated in a vertical shaft 867 feet (264m) beneath Frenchman Flat area 11 at 20:15 GMT with a yield of 4 kilotons from the LLNL device as part of a vertical line of sight weapons effects test during Operation Grommet, creating a 173 foot (53m) diameter subsidence crater and venting 6,800 curies of Xenon, krypton and Iodine from surface ground zero which was detected off-site. 686th U.S. test. Coordinates: 36.8793, -115.93587.
1972 - 'Region-2' detonated in a vertical shaft 2,230 feet (680m) beneath Orenburg, Russia at 09:00 GMT with a yield of 2.3 kilotons as part of a seismic sounding test, causing a 4.5 magnitude ground shock. 374th Russian test. Coordinates: 51.99, 51.867.
1972 - 'Region-5' detonated in a vertical shaft 1,394 feet (425m) beneath Kostanay, Kazakhstan at 10:00 GMT with a yield of 6.6 kilotons as part of a seismic sounding test, causing a 5.2 magnitude ground shock. 375th Russian test. Coordinates: 51.84143, 64.21328.
1977 - 'Enee' detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Zoe and Yvonne Il., Areas 3-4, Zoe-2, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 16:59 GMT with a yield of 50 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.61 magnitude ground shock. 78th French test. Coordinates: -21.87942, -138.93915.
1985 - 'Zétes' detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Rim zone, Areas 1-2, Simone-8, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 16:01 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 4.81 magnitude ground shock. 158th French test. Coordinates: -21.86406, -138.82535.

French tests: 2
Total Yield: 2 kilotons
The Details:
1980 - ‘Laerte’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Rim zone, Areas 1-2, Ara-4, Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia at 17:53 GMT with a yield of 2 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 4.47 magnitude ground shock. 111th French test. Coordinates: -21.883544, -138.95944.
1989 – ‘Daunus’ detonated in a vertical shaft 920 feet (280m) beneath Rim zone, Areas 1-2, Dora-8 Mururoa Atoll at 18:00 GMT with zero yield as part of a one-point safety test. 191st French test. Coordinates: -21.78462, -138.87469.

U.S. tests: 2
Russian tests: 1
British tests: 1
French tests: 2
Total Yield: 75.031 kilotons
The Details:
1962 – ‘213’ detonated on the dry surface of Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 0.031 kilotons as part of a safety test. 206th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.378, 77.855.
1974 - ‘Puddle’ detonated in a vertical shaft 603 feet (184m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of <20 kilotons from the LANL device during Operation Bedrock as part of a safety test. 763rd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.00098, -116.01207.
1975 – ‘Hector’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,919 feet (585m) beneath Area 1 (southern rim), Fangataufa Atoll, French Polynesia at 00:48 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.23 magnitude ground shock. 65th French test. Coordinates: -22.26248, -138.71076.
1975 – ‘Leyden’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,069 feet (326m) beneath Yucca Flat area 9 at 15:30 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Anvil, causing a 5.0 magnitude ground shock. 785th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.11721, -116.01975.
1985 – ‘Mégarée’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Moruroa Atoll lagoon at 17:42 GMT with a yield of 54 kilotons from the Hadès missile weapons development device, causing a 5.64 magnitude ground shock. 159th French test. Coordinates: -21.85423, -138.93121.
1991 – ‘Bristol’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,499 feet (457m) beneath Yucca Flat area 4 at 18:35 GMT with a yield of 11 kilotons from the weapons development device during Operation Julin, causing a 4.6 magnitude ground shock. 45th British test. Coordinates: 37.09644, -116.07047.

U.S. tests: 1
Russian tests: 2
French tests: 2
Total Yield: 92.7 kilotons
The Details:
1962 – ‘Anacostia’ detonated in a vertical shaft 747 feet (227m) beneath Yucca Flat area U9 at 18:00 GMT with a yield of 5.2 kilotons from the LLNL peaceful research (Project Plowshares) device during Operation Storax, creating a 459 foot (140m) diameter subsidence crater and venting 6,800 curies of Xenon from the test sampling area and emplacement pipe for a period of 24 minutes and then again during drill-back operations for seven hours. 297th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.12275, -116.02993.
Side Note: ‘Anacostia’ was intended to produce heavy isotopes for research purposes.
1969 – ‘337’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 05:02 GMT with an unknown yield from the peaceful research device. 311th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.83077, 78.06776.
1977 – ‘562’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 03:57 GMT with an unknown yield from the weapons development device. 477th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.75725, 78.05279.
1982 – ‘Procris’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath the rim of Moruroa Atoll at 17:02 GMT with a yield of 0.5 kilotons from the weapons development device. 134th French test. Coordinates: -21.78717, -138.86417.
1989 – ‘Lycos’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Fangataufa Atoll lagoon at 17:00 GMT with a yield of 87 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.81 magnitude ground shock. 192nd French test. Coordinates: -22.23413, -138.74355.

U.S. tests: 1
Russian tests: 1
French tests: 1
Total yield: 15.01 kilotons
The details:
1964 - ‘Turquoise’ detonated in a tunnel beneath Ekker, French Algeria at 10:30 GMT with a yield of 10 kilotons from the weapons development device. 12th French test. Coordinates: 24.04162, 5.04162.
1973 - ‘Bernal’ detonated in a vertical shaft 936 feet (285m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 15:30GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Arbor, causing a 4.4 magnitude ground shock, creating a 459 foot (140m) diameter subsidence crater, and venting 0.1 curies of Xenon during cement-back operations. 737th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.01097, -116.02523.
1974 - ‘467’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Sary-Uzen, Semipalatinsk at 05:57 GMT with a yield of 0.01 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 2.7 magnitude ground shock. 412th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.95, 77.7.

U.S. tests: 2
Russian tests: 6 (11 devices)
French tests: 1
Total yield: 296 kilotons
The details:
1951 - ‘Uncle’ detonated 16 feet (5m) beneath Yucca Flat area 10 at 19:59 GMT with a yield of 1.2 kilotons from the LANL Mk-6 "Frankie" device as part of a weapons effect cratering test and the last test of Operation Buster-Jangle. ‘Uncle’ was intended to simulate a 23 kiloton ground penetrating weapon to investigate the base surge phenomena noted during the ‘Baker’ underwater detonation during Operation Crossroads. ‘Uncle’ blew a 53 foot (16m) deep, 259 foot (79m) diameter, 989,000 cubic foot hole in the ground while spewing 170,000 curies of Iodine-131 into the atmosphere and highly radioactive dirt around the crater where radiation levels exceeded 5,000 R/hr one hour after detonation. The radioactive cloud drifted 200 miles north over Elko, Nevada with readings of 400,000 disintegrations per minute. Another section drifted across the U.S. and over the Atlantic Ocean. 24th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.1697, -116.0434
1971 - ‘386’ and ‘387’ detonated simultaneously in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 06:02 GMT with a combined yield 28 kilotons from the two weapons development devices, causing a 5.46 magnitude ground shock. 350th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.7434, 78.0785.
1978 - ‘617’ and ‘618’ detonated in the same vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk at 04:33:00.17 GMT with a combined yield of 101 kilotons from the two weapons development devices, causing a 5.21 magnitude ground shock. 506th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.95472, 78.79395.
-- Four seconds later, ‘619’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk with a yield of 110 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.96 magnitude ground shock. 507th Russian test Coordinates: 49.7826, 78.0073.
1979 – ‘Backgammon’ detonated in a vertical shaft 750 feet (228m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 0.8 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device as the first test of Operation Tinderbox, causing a 3.8 magnitude ground shock and creating a 492 foot (150m). diameter subsidence crater. 863rd U.S. test. Coordinates: 36.99395, -116.02484.
1981 - ‘750’, ‘751’ and ‘752’ detonated simultaneously in the same vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk at 03:35 GMT with a combined yield of 31 kilotons, causing a 5.62 magnitude ground shock. 585th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.90269, 78.84754.
1983 - ‘827’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 02:19 GMT with an unknown yield from the weapons development device. 629th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.7355, 78.0994.
-- Eight seconds later, ‘828’ and ‘829’ detonated in an adjacent tunnel within Degelen Mountain with a combined yield of 19 kilotons from the two weapons development devices, causing a 5.31 magnitude ground shock. 630th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.76203, 78.0505.
1987 - ‘Danaé’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Mururoa Atoll lagoon at 17:59 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 4.65 magnitude ground shock. 175th French test. Coordinates: -21.8, -138.9.
U.S. tests: 1
Russian tests: 4
French tests: 2
Total yield: 373.606 kilotons
The Details:
1969 – ‘338’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk at 03:32 with a yield of 125 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 6.02 magnitude ground shock. 312th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.92472, 78.95522.
1971 – ‘Parnassia’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,085 feet (330m) beneath Yucca Flat area U2 at 15:45 GMT with a yield of 10 kilotons from the weapons development device during Operation Grommet, causing a 4.7 magnitude ground shock and creating a 492 foot (150m) diameter subsidence crater. 687th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.16045, -116.07112.
1977 – ‘563’ and ‘564’ detonated simultaneously in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk at 04:06 GMT with a combined yield of 70 kilotons from the two weapons related devices, causing a 5.89 magnitude ground shock. 478th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.96722, 78.87444.
1978 – ‘620’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Atyrau, Kazakhstan at 07:59 GMT with a yield of only 6 tons – it was a fizzle – from the industrial experiment intended to create gas reservoirs. 508th Russian test. Coordinates: 47.909, 47.912.
1978 – ‘Priam’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath the rim of Moruroa Atoll at 17:31 GMT with a yield of 64 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.7 magnitude ground shock. 88th French test. Coordinates: -21.88384, -138.99195.
1979 – ‘671’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 04:53 GMT with a yield of 1.6 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 4.42 magnitude ground shock. 539th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.7794, 78.0953.
1988 – ‘Cycnos’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Fangataufa lagoon at 17:55 GMT with a yield of 103 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.87 magnitude ground shock. 183rd French test. Coordinates: -22.233, -138.74.